Thursday, March 17, 2011


If you've grown accustom to being overcome with immense joy on the somewhat rare occasion someone asks you out, do you know why? Hopefully it's not because you are so blind to your own worth that you crave the attention from someone else. Hopefully, It's not because the guy who just asked you out is SO hot - except you know nothing else about him, like his possible lying/cheating/stealing/whoknows past. Hopefully, It's not because you're inborn want for a spouse is not yet balanced with your well-learned want for the "right" man. And Hopefully, you are not so overcome with excitement that you go from "omg he's hot, to what color tux-shirt combo should he wear in our wedding, to what would our children look like" in one split second. Hopefully you know that his attention, no matter how pleasing, does not mean that you need to attach your heart to him and day dreaming that he'll call. Remember how you felt before he asked you out or showed you attention. If you weren't REALLY that interested, than why are you now? Just because he thinks you're the one does not mean that he ***HAS TO*** be your one. Don't let go of your priorities, WAIT to get happy until you find out, in time, that he meets the standards that you truly do deserve. 

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