Everything will be great once you just find "the one," what an age-old load of nonsense. Is there some sort of cosmic force molding some unsuspecting person into your perfect match? Or some magical power between you and just one other person on earth that enables you to never need to endure anything difficult between each other? Let's try and stop comparing our potential love lives to a disney movie, it's NOT the same.
I highly recomend being intune with yourself enough to know what kind of person you are compatible with; however, you will never be compatible with someone at all times or agreable on all things. The person you want to end up with, is the one that choses to be with you on all occasions, "through the good times and the bad," and someone you are willing to chose to be with forever. Even if you are convinced you've found someone who is your opposite-sex-self, you and that person will change throughout the rest of your lives. If you didn't change, you wouldn't be growing and learning as we should all be constantly doing. More powerful than compatibilty and more powerful than a feeling is a choice. You can never "fall out of love" if you not leaving it up to chance.
Love is not a mystical chemistry. Love is a overflow of feelings consisting of things like admiration and affection; but ONLY AS A RESULT of a choice. True love is trusting in the power of your relationship because of the value you have both placed on it through your volnerability, your investment, your ongoing choice. You'll never know the feeling of a real romantic love until you have spent the time chosing that person and witnessed them chose you over and over again.
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